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Showing posts with label Hollywood Awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hollywood Awards. Show all posts
May 10, 2012
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7 Selebriti yang Lupa Cukur Bulu Ketiak

Bulu ketiak merupakan bagian dari tubuh kita, namun hadirnya bulu-bulu tersebut dapat merusak penampilan secara keseluruhan. Meski tidak diinginkan, terkadang wanita lupa mencukur bulu di sekitar ketiak.

Bulu ketiak memang tersembunyi, tapi jika terlihat oleh orang lain akan sangat memalukan. Ini dia tujuh selebriti yang mungkin lupa mencukur bulu ketiak mereka.

1. Julia Robert
Momen Julia Robert mengangkat tangan ketika diwawancarai ini tidak bisa dilupakan. Pada saat itu Bintang 'Pretty Women' itu tampaknya lupa mencukur bulu ketiaknya, dengan percaya diri ia melambaikan tangan setingginya dan ups.. terekspos lah bulu ketiaknya yang gondrong.

2. Britney Spears
Meski keluar rumah bukan dalam momen spesial, tapi tetap saja kebersihan diri perlu dijaga termasuk mencukur bulu ketiak. Seperti Britney Spears yang entah lupa atau tidak peduli dengan kebersihan bulu ketiaknya. Penyanyi 30 tahun itu mengenakan tank-top tapi tidak mencukur bulu ketiaknya yang cukup terlihat jelas.

3. Beyonce
Pertumbuhan bulu ketiak sangat cepat tumbuhnya. Meski baru mencukur satu atau dua hari lalu, bulu halus ketiak sudah terlihat muncul kembali keesokan harinya. Hal itu mungkin juga dialami Beyonce. Pelantun 'Who Run The World' itu pada satu acara terlihat dengan bulu-bulu halus ketiak yang baru tumbuh. Parahnya lagi, deodorang yang dikenakannya menggumpal di ketiaknya.

4. Tyra Banks
Model tidak selalu memiliki kesempurnaan. Seperti Tyra Banks yang mungkin lupa mencukur bulu ketiaknya. Sehingga saat juri 'American Next Top Model' itu berpose dengan tangan yang diletakkan di pinggan, bulu ketiaknya mengintip.

5. Hillary Swank
Datang ke karpet merah dengan bulu ketiak yang belum dicukur merupakan momen 'Big No No'. Selain Julia Robert, Hillary Swank juga pernah memiliki momen tersebut. Bintang 'Boys Dont Cry' itu tampak sempurna dalam balutan dress warna emas. Tapi sayangnya, penampilan aktris 37 tahun itu rusak karena bulu ketiaknya yang terkspos.

6. Halle Berry
Hati-hati menggunakan deodoran setelah mandi. Pastikan kulit ketiak benar-benar kering, jika ketiak masih basah maka deodoran akan menggumpal. Seperti penampilan kulit ketiak Halle Berry, ketiaknya tidak hanya terlihat bulu-bulu halus yang baru tumbuh tapi juga gumpalan deodoran.

7. Jennifer Hudson
Jennifer Hudson juga tampaknya lupa mencukur ketiak. Tidak hanya itu, tubuhnya yang sintal membuat kulit ketiaknya memiliki banyak lipatan, jika kulit tidak rajin discrub, maka kulit ketiak menjadi hitam.

Aug 8, 2011
Anne Hathaway as Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises

Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises Back in my day, we had to wait for the first trailer to see what the new Bat-villains actually looked like! There are other unofficial photos out there that basically show the same image from a sideways angle (with Hathaway’s stunt woman), but I think I’ll still with the legit stuff.

Anyway, today is day two of Warner Bros. tries to beat the paparazzi to the punch. The costume is obviously a hybrid of the Dwayne Cooke/Ed Brubaker outfit (the tactical aspects, the goggles) along with a bit from the 1960s Batman show (the free-flowing hair which reaches just below the shoulders ala Julie Newmar). I have no real commentary on the outfit. It looks fine and it’s obvious that Nolan and company were going for something that would actually make sense in battle than something that would make a pinup poster. I will say that not even Anne Hathaway wrapped in tight black leather can make that Bat-Pod any less ridiculous looking. I’m sorry, I’ve felt this way for three years, but that is an absolutely silly looking vehicle. The fact that it was a central part of the ad campaign last time around is a near-joke. Like the main theatrical one-sheet for The Dark Knight, the center of attention in this image is not the character being highlighted but a giant wheel.

As for why Catwoman is apparently stealing the Bat-Pod, I have no idea. But I will shall the following anecdote: The other night, I was reading Allison a Batman-centric storybook (her pick, believe it or not) which involved a mass break-out at Arkham. Anyway, at the climax of the story, Batman and Robin drive the Batmobile to the amusement park because that’s (of course) where The Joker is hiding. They outwit The Joker, watch him get hauled back to Arkham, and take off in the sky with their bat-ropes. At which point, Allison turned to me, completely serious, and asked me why they didn’t leave in the Batmobile that they arrived in. I started laughing pretty hard and explained that it was a really good question that I had no answer to.

So perhaps the reason Catwoman has stolen Batman’s stupid-looking Bat-Pod because he felt the need to arrive via Bat-Pod and depart in a more dramatic fashion. Or, maybe, he realized how stupid the thing looks, so he left the keys on the seat and hoped for the best. From
Aug 5, 2011
Kim Kardashian allegedly wants Prince William, Kate’s cake

Kim Kardashian allegedly wants Prince William, Kate’s cake

Kim Kardashian apparently really does want a royal wedding as it is rumored that she wants a wedding cake just like Prince William and Kate Middleton had.

It is rumored that the cake will be a 10-tier white cake with chocolate-chip icing and black-and-white decorations, states The $15,000 to $20,000 cake will reportedly look similar to the fruitcake with cream and white piping that the royals had.

Kim and Kris Humphries reportedly picked out their cake at Hansen’s Cakes in Los Angeles.
Do you think her wedding will be more lavish?

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